Yesterday we said a warm welcome to everyone in the exceptionally warm October sun.
Introducing ourselves as BRISTOL DIVING SCHOOL, we chose to contextualise our geographic location and history with the site by visiting the UWE Fine Art and Art & Visual Culture studios as well as a brief introduction to the BDS project at large.
The latter part of the workshop was dedicated to a conceptualised art-sports tournament of dodge ball meets mark-making.
This was an icebreaker/performance event as well as an introduction into the different ways art is made and disseminated. The activity was filmed from a stationary camera, with the intention to edit the footage as an artwork in a later session.
Check out our photos and artists references to for this session:
The marks made from this activity shall determine the aesthetical properties of the artworks produced in Session 2. The students will also be encouraged to engage with the session through language; their reinterpretation of the event and the study of words used to describe the experience.